Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :
EPACHA Foundation's
Humanitarian / Environmental
and OTHER . . .
Emergency Announcements
2 0 2 0
During the Global COVID-19 Pandemic . . .
Disasters Continue to Occur.
Keep informed here:
Courtesy, https://gdacs.org/
GDACS is a cooperation framework between the United Nations,
the European Commission and disaster managers worldwide
to improve alerts, information exchange and
coordination in the first phase after major sudden-onset disasters.
Disaster Relief / Humanitarian Aid
Continues to be Needed!
"Good morning, good afternoon and good evening.
This week marks the one-year anniversary since WHO learned of cases of ‘pneumonia with unknown cause’ via a bulletin issued by the health authorities in Wuhan and ProMed.
We immediately set up an incident management structure to follow this development. This is a moment for all of us to reflect on the toll the pandemic has taken, the progress we have made, the lessons we have learned, and what we need to do in the year ahead to end this pandemic.
For the past year, WHO and our partners have worked relentlessly to support all countries as they respond to the virus. Staff have worked around the clock to accelerate science, provide solutions on the ground and build solidarity.
Science is at the core of everything we do and it has advanced at a blistering speed this year. If we rewind to the start of 2020, it was on 10 January that WHO published its first comprehensive package of guidance documents for countries, covering topics related to the management of an outbreak of a new disease.
The next day, WHO received the full genetic sequences for the novel coronavirus from China. By 13 January, WHO published its first protocol for a diagnostic test by a WHO partner lab in Germany to detect the virus.
By mid-January, our international technical expert networks were engaged and meeting by teleconference to share first hand knowledge with the new novel coronavirus and similar respiratory viruses, such as MERS and SARS. And WHO convened the Strategic Technical Advisory Group for Infectious Hazards and the Global Alert and Response Network. By the end of the month, 30 January, I declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, WHO's highest level of alert under global health law.
And by the start of February, WHO was shipping diagnostic tests around the world so that countries could detect and respond effectively. On 4 February, WHO released the first global preparedness and response plan for COVID-19 based on the latest scientific evidence. At the same time, WHO was connecting scientists, funders and manufacturers from across the globe together to accelerate research on tests, therapeutics and vaccines. In mid-February, WHO's longstanding research and development blueprint group brought hundreds of experts from more than 40 countries together to plot out a COVID-19 research roadmap. This was based on years of work on other infectious diseases including SARS, MERS and Ebola.
The roadmap subsequently developed, covered all technical areas from the animal human interface through to the development of vaccines and was set up to ensure maximum coordination and collaboration as the world tested, trialed and rolled out new health tools. This included the Solidarity Trial, an international clinical trial that generated robust data quickly to determine the most effective treatments.
And by March, WHO was planning the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator, which was launched with partners in April. The ACT-Accelerator is a historic collaboration to further hasten the development, production and equitable access to vaccines, diagnostics and therapeutics for COVID-19 as part of an overarching endgame strategy. And it has worked.
Good news came in June as initial clinical trial results from the UK showed dexamethasone, a corticosteroid, could be lifesaving for patients severely ill with COVID-19.
By September, new antigen based rapid tests had been validated and the diagnostic pillar of the ACT-Accelerator had secured millions of them for low- and middle-income countries. And then the shot that rang out around the world was the release of positive vaccine news from multiple candidates, which are now being rolled out to vulnerable groups.
New ground has been broken not least with the extraordinary cooperation between the private and public sector in this pandemic and in recent weeks, safe and effective vaccine rollout has started in a number countries, which is an incredible scientific achievement. This is fantastic but WHO will not rest until those in need everywhere have access to the new vaccines and are protected.
Throughout the pandemic, we have released and updated technical guidance and trainings based on the latest science and best practice from countries. We’ve then disseminated it through all our channels, including more than 130 press briefings like this one. And our regional and country offices have kept local populations up to date.
We’ve worked with thousands of brilliant scientists from around the world to build global solidarity; engaging with our critics and calling repeatedly for all stakeholders to quarantine any politicization of the pandemic and focus on what really matters: accelerating science to save lives and end this pandemic.
We learn something new every single day. Sometimes good, sometimes challenging, sometimes down right surprising, but all helpful. There will be set backs and new challenges in the year ahead. For example, new variants of COVID-19 and helping people who are tired of the pandemic continue to combat it.
At present, we are working closely with scientists all over the world to better understand any and all changes to the virus and how these changes affect its ability to spread or make people sick, or any potential impact on available tests, treatments and vaccines.
Specifically we are working with scientists in the UK and South Africa who are carrying out epidemiologic and laboratory studies, which will guide next steps. Science drives our actions. I would like to thank both those countries for testing and tracking new variants and underscore the importance of increasing genomic sequencing capacity worldwide. This means the prompt sharing of epidemiological, virological, and full genome sequence information with WHO and other countries and research teams, including through open-source platforms such as GISAID and others.
Only if countries are looking and testing effectively will you be able to pick up variants and adjust strategies to cope. We must ensure that countries are not punished for transparently sharing new scientific findings. . ."
Read Full Text Courtesy, WHO - COVID-19 28 December 2020
WHO UPDATE: December 28, 2020
Must See Video
Courtesy, United Nations - World Health Organization (WHO)
VIEW MEDIA BRIEFINGS UPDATES at: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/media-resources/press-briefings
During National and Global COVID-19 pandemic
President Trump announces [5/29/2020] end of US relationship
with World Health Organization.
January 30, 2020
Courtesy, UN - WHO
Learn more / get latest UPDATES & INFO
on the following web page:
See Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NnNunRXR80
Opening remarks of the Secretary-General's appeal for global ceasefire - 23 March 2020
. . . This is crucial . . .
To help create corridors for life-saving aid. To open precious windows for diplomacy. To bring hope to places among the most vulnerable to COVID-19.
Let us take inspiration from coalitions and dialogue slowly taking shape among rival parties in some parts to enable joint approaches to COVID-19. But we need much more.
End the sickness of war and fight the disease that is ravaging our world.
It starts by stopping the fighting everywhere. Now.
That is what our human family needs, now more than ever.
Courtesy, United Nations - Read full text at: https://www.un.org/sg/en/content/sg/speeches/2020-03-23/secretary-general-appeal-for-global-ceasefire
Important Reminder on . . .
Human Rights and COVID-19
Response and Recovery
23 April 2020
Learn more at:
UN donates 250,000 face masks to NYC health workers
29 March 2020
Courtesy, United Nations - UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe
On behalf of the city, the Mayor of New York, Bill de Blasio, was on hand to receive 250,000 face masks donated by
the UN on Saturday, destined for health workers in the metropolis that is home to the
Organization’s Headquarters
In a statement, Mr. Guterres said that the face masks stored in United Nations facilities, were part of UN stocks, deemed surplus to requirements. The UN chief praised medical professionals in New York City who, he said, have been working “courageously, selflessly, and tirelessly in response to the spread of COVID-19 across the boroughs,” in a reference to the five boroughs into which the City is administratively divided (Manhattan, Queens, The Bronx, Brooklyn and Staten Island).
Text Courtesy, United Nations
Let's All Support Global Health Workers
During this Global Health Emergency!
An Important Scientific Question?
In terms of our Solar System . . .
What does the word "corona" mean?
Visit EPACHA's Corona Virus [COVID-19] web pages at:
U.S. President Trump warns of
‘toughest week’ of pandemic yet
April 5, 2020
Must See Video - Click Below
Courtesy, https://www.usa.gov/ - CDC
Learn more on the following web pages:
Corona Virus [COVID-19]
To CHILDREN and Adults: DO NOT DRINK or INJECT into the body Disinfectants or Cleaning fluids as a cure for . . . or prevention of the Corona Virus [COVID-19]. Such an attempt is hazardous and can result in death. Any action taken to violate the Human body with harmful, invasive procedures is globally prohibited.
Must See Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ys-F0tD-Oc&feature=emb_logo
Crucial Questions? . . .
Should any U.S. Citizen be lawlessly "shot and killed"
for asking a customer to wear a mask before
entering a business establishment?
Family & Friends mourn the tragic loss of
Calvin Munerlyn
shot on May 1, 2020 at a store in Flint, Michigan - USA
Courtesy, Photo: Jake May, AP - https://www.newmilfordspectrum.com/news/article/Police-probe-killing-of-store-security-guard-over-15245192.php#photo-19372317
. . . and; is this "social distancing?"
Crowds gathered at National Mall to watch Blue Angels, Thunderbirds flyover - May 2, 2020
Courtesy, Bill Clark / CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images - https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/crowds-gathered-national-mall-watch-blue-angels-thunderbirds-flyover-n1198706
Answer to both Questions . . . "NO!"
If "Law Enforcement" is willing to be masked
in an effort to save thousands - even
millions of lives during this
dangerous pandemic . . .
should "We the People" do the same by
following safer, prudent, public examples?!
Courtesy photo: Jake May | MLive.com, AP - https://www.newmilfordspectrum.com/news/article/Police-probe-killing-of-store-security-guard-over-15245192.php#photo-19372317
During a press conference on Monday, May 4, UM-Flint Public Safety Director, Ray Hall stands with a mask detailing the shooting which resulted in the death of Calvin Munerlyn.
Read more on the following web pages:
- EPACHA Foundation -
Are "We The People " keeping count of this tragic pandemic?!
Last updated: December 31, 2020, 01:44 GMT
Corona Virus Cases: 20,216,991
Deaths: 350,778
Recovered: 11,998,794
Click below for
Confirmed Cases and Deaths by Country, Territory, or Conveyance
Russia sent help to the U.S. . .
Now as Corona Virus [COVID-19] is increasing
in Russia, the U.S. is sending ventilators!
Russia's numbers are increasing: Russia
Reminder: The whole world must help!
Not a time for political posturing.
"We're All in This Together!"
Italian Prime Minister Giusseppe Conte
" The future of Italy is in our hands."
March 2020
'There will no longer be a red zone. There will no
longer be a zone 1 or zone 2 on our peninsula.
There will be Italy: a protected zone'.
Last updated: December 31, 2020, 01:44 GMT
Corona Virus Cases: 2,083,689
Deaths: 73,604
Recovered: 1,445,690
Click below for
Confirmed Cases and Deaths by Country, Territory, or Conveyance
The Voices of Global Leaders . . .
Around the World
" COVID-19: This is a Global Crisis"
Courtesy, The Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan - Washington, D.C.
31 March 2020
The following text excerpt is an Op-ed by His Majesty King Abdullah II, and presidents Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany, Halimah Yacob of Singapore, Sahle-Work Zewde of Ethiopia and Lenín Moreno Garcés of Ecuador
"No time for geopolitical turf battles. We need a global alliance to fight the pandemic . . . Our nations, societies and economies are slowing down, almost grinding to a halt in the face of a global, external threat that transcends borders, ethnicities, and creeds. Public life has come to a virtual standstill. But these unprecedented measures of social distancing will be hard to sustain over a long period of time.
Nations are turning inward as they try to cope with the coronavirus pandemic, closing borders and imposing drastic executive measures in a retreat that risks leaving every country fending for itself. However, we can contain and counter COVID-19 more effectively by knocking down the barriers that hinder knowledge exchange and co-operation.
Crises like these tend to bring out both the best and the worst in people. It is our responsibility as leaders to encourage the former and contain the latter. Our countries are at varying stages of the crisis but we all see and admire the strong spirit of solidarity and the many people who are passionately trying to save lives or keep indispensable services up and running. They give us hope and offer inspiration that our societies may not only weather this crisis but also grow stronger and more connected."
Read entire Op-ed on the following web page:
Queen Elizabeth II Addresses the U.K. in
the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic
April 5, 2020
Must See Video
Courtesy, https://www.bbc.com/news/live/world-52171176 - CDC
" . . . While we have faced challenges before, this
one is different. This time we join with all Nations across the globe in a common endeavour using the great advances of science and our distinctive compassion to heal. We will succeed, and
that success will belong to every one
of us. . . For now, I send my thanks
and warmest good wishes to all."
President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa addresses Nation on COVID-19 measures
March 30, 2020
Must See Video
Courtesy, eNCA - CDC
" . . . There is each of all of us, South Africans . . . and the residents of our country who are standing together as one in confronting this National health emergency. Amongst us are the men and women who rise at dawn every day and labour through the night to keep this country going.
I speak of the farm worker who is helping to keep us supplied with food. I speak of the technician in the power station working shift after shift to keep the lights on. I speak of the caregiver in the old-age home; the childcare home and the hospice who comes in every day to tend to the most vulnerable of our citizens.
I speak about the taxi driver, the refuse collector, the bus driver, the supermarket cashier, the hospital cleaner, the petrol attendant and all those essential workers."
"You are our unsung Heroes, and . . .
President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa
Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Wuhan for first time since start of Coronavirus outbreak
March 10, 2020
Must See Video
Courtesy, https://www.scmp.com/ - CDC