Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :
World Food Day
October 16, 2021

Courtesy, United Nations - FAO

World Food Day Message 2021

UN Secretary-General, António Guterres
Courtesy, United Nations
Learn more about
World Food Day
on the following web pages:

EPACHA "Proudly" Features
We can all become . . . FOOD HEROES!
Courtesy, UN / FAO
Our Actions are ... OUR FUTURE!
Courtesy, UN / FAO
Let's all learn from . . . Peter Rabbit!

Must See Video

Courtesy, UN / FAO
Thanks Peter Rabbit!

It's Time to . . .
Learn more: Click Below!

Global Reminder:
Throughout every place
Around the World,
"Human Rights"
include "nutritious food:"
Humanity was never intended
to suffer the pangs of hunger,
chronic starvation or the
intake of substandard
sustenance in the place
of "quality, nutritional food."
Earth is plentiful.
Earth is bountiful.
Earth can feed
ALL of Humanity!
- EPACHA Foundation -
Don't Forget!
Let's Make the SDGs a reality!
SDG #2 is aiming for ZERO HUNGER!
The SDGs: A Global Effort!
Let's ALL Help End World
Hunger by 2030!
If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.
Sincerest Thanks are Extended to http://archive.org/web/ for having made possible an archived viewing of
EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:

Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:
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