Environmental Protection Alliance and Center for Humanitarian Affairs Foundation
T h e P o r t a l s o f E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n – P h a s e I I a r e O p e n :

2018 - 2023

E P A C H A F o u n d a t i o n
P r o u d l y S u p p o r t s
United Nations &
United Nations Foundation
Are YOU Partnering with the United Nations?

[R] Ted Turner, III - Founder & Chairman, UN Foundation
[L] Timothy E. Wirth, Former Sen. & Pres. UN Foundation
The place where Humanity’s stories of real people and events continue to be told together with Environmental concerns around the world.
In the 21st Century and new Millennium, Nations great and small must – as never before – intently focus on the full spectrum of Humanitarian and Environmental concerns that affect every facet of life globally.
Although the world has become smaller, more technologically advanced and interconnected, bigger and unprecedented challenges are constant reminders that our world must be "secured, improved and sustained" far into the future for all of Humanity including our planetary environment.​​
Welcome to EPACHA Foundation – Phase II:
Regarding our world and the
much needed
are . . .
“The Way to the Future!”
In 2015, world leaders agreed to 17 Sustainable Development Goals
for a better world by 2030. The SDGs Agenda is
"A Plan of Action!"

Is YOUR governing entity working
to achieve the SDGs?
Learn more about EPACHA.org
Make Sure to Visit
EPACHA's Current Website at:

If you’ve missed the work of EPACHA in its Phase I duration, please be encouraged to click on the below web links.
Sincerest Thanks are Extended to http://archive.org/web/ for having made possible an archived viewing of
EPACHA Foundation’s entire volume of its Phase I web pages:

Complete List of EPACHA - Phase I web pages:
A R C H I V E D : 2 0 1 8 - 2 0 2 1 [ U P D A T E D ] - A U G U S T 2 0 2 4 [ F O R D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 3 ]